Computer & Internet Access
The Redwood Falls Public Library provides free use of computers and access to the Internet to all users, with the understanding that it is the individual user’s responsibility to demonstrate judgment, respect for others, and appropriate conduct while using Public Library resources.
Our library has:
- (20) public computers available for use.
- Wireless wi-fi is available for use on personal devices!
- (2) laptops for use in our study room for approved classes or testing. Ex: GED or Exams that require proctoring.

Computer and Internet Use
The Internet and its available resources contain a wide variety of material and opinions from varied points of view. Users need to be good information consumers, questioning the validity of the information. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. It is the responsibility of the user to make individual choices and decisions when using the Internet. Users may encounter material that could be considered inappropriate. Parents of minor children assume responsibility for their children’s use of the Internet through the Library’s connection. The Library expressly disclaims any liability or responsibilities arising from access to or use of information obtained through its electronic information systems or any consequences thereof. Laptops and other devices should never be left unattended in the library. The library assumes no responsibility for damage, theft or loss of any kind to a user’s equipment, software, or data files.