The Redwood Falls Public Library offers a wide variety of collections and single titles available for all ages. Our library enhances life through resources, programs, and services.
If you cannot find an item you want in our catalog, check the MNLINK Gateway.  Through our participating libraries, patrons have easy access to the catalogs of most libraries in Minnesota. If an item you would like is put on hold through MNLink, we will contact you when it arrives at our library.

The City of Redwood Falls Public Library's wide variety of materials include:
- Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Reference Books
- Large Print
- Native American Collection
- Spanish Language Collection
- Young Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Children's Fiction and Non-Fiction
- Beginning Readers
- Board Books
- Picture Books
- Cake Pans
- Puzzles
- eBooks
- Audio Books on CD
- Movies on DVD
- Music on CD
- Magazines
- Newspapers (in-house use only)
Book Loan Information
Most Library materials may be renewed. Renewals may be done in person, by phone or through your online account. If another patron has requested the title, you may not renew the item. You will not be able to renew materials if you have a $5.00 fine or more on your account. Materials borrowed from other libraries in the Plum Creek Library System may be renewed as well.
An after-hours book return is available for the convenient return of books whenever the library is closed. It is located on the east side of the building
- $2 per day for videos
- $.15 per day for books, magazines, etc.
- $5 per day for hotspots
Useful Tools from the Library
Creativebug is your go-to resource for high-quality, on-trend arts and crafts instructional videos. You'll enjoy award-winning HD instructional videos on drawing, painting, sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting, baking and more. All classes are taught by experts, with new classes added daily.
Use your library barcode number to create a user account.
NoveList Plus offers recommendations for titles, authors, and series, as well as audiobooks.
New Scholastic Digital Resources Available for Young Learners
Six different sets of online activities have been shared with your local libraries to provide at-home fun and educational videos and activities.
By clicking the links below, you will be lead to the various pages that will keep you and your kids entertained for hours!
Watch and Learn, launching new learning adventures and discussions!
Teachables, educator-created and expert-vetted teaching materials.
BookFlix, where stories and nonfiction connect!
TrueFlix, offering dozens of units to supplement social studies and science core curricula learning.
ScienceFlix, science for the next generation!