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Library Meeting Room Policy

The Redwood Falls Public Library encourages the use of our library meeting room. Renters of this space will appreciate the bright open space with updated technology, which includes two tv screens a computer for public use, with its own entrance. Meetings may be scheduled six (6) months in advance. Special circumstances may be discussed with the Library Director.

The rental fee for the library meeting room $50.00. A non-refundable partial payment of $25.00 shall be paid to the library upon agreement signature. No refund of this payment may be made for cancellation or nonuse during the rental term. The final $25.00 payment is due prior to use of the meeting room.

  • Total Capacity - 73 people.


  • One person must be listed as the contact person.
  • Payment in full and all agreements must be signed before rental of the meeting room is allowed.
  • All groups will be responsible for cleaning up the room after their events. A checklist will be provided and must be completed.
  • If damages occur, the person responsible will be billed for repair or replacement cost.


  • Category A - Government Agencies: City of Redwood Falls, county, state, school, political groups, excluding fund raising events.
  • Category B - Non-Profit Civic Groups
  • Category C - For-Profit and Social Groups
Category Rental Fee 1-8 Hours

If equipment or connection problems occur which require outside technical support, and which are not a part of library error, the group will be responsible for all costs incurred. The library will not be responsible for problems arising from the use of laptops brought in from outside the library.


  1. The meeting room is NOT available on days when the library is closed, including holidays, Sundays, and Summer Saturdays.
  2. After hours meeting groups must leave the Meeting Room and bathrooms in the same conditions as prior to the meeting and all areas should be checked before leaving by the person in charge. Doors should be checked to make sure they are locked.
  3. No tape, staples, etc. should be attached in any way to the walls or ceiling.
  4. No smoking is allowed.
  5. No alcoholic beverages are allowed.
  6. Any and all damage done to the building or equipment by the renter, guests, or others present for the meeting/activity is the responsibility of the party who paid the rent. That party will be billed for items that need replacement or repair.
  7. Rental of the meeting room is per event, and rental may scheduled  6 months in advance.
  8. Any group or individual who believes they have been unfairly denied use of the Meeting Room(s) or that their use has been unjustly limited, may submit a written grievance to the Library Commission through the Library Director for inclusion on the agenda of the next regularly scheduled commission meeting.


Food may be catered in. There is a small kitchenette with a microwave and small refrigerator. No utensils, dishes, etc. are available for use. A coffee pot has been donated for use in the meeting room and should be washed after using. Garbage should be bagged and left outside the Meeting Room door. Replacement bags are in the garbage basket under the current bag.

Policy adopted by Redwood Falls City Council, September 2007 Revised and approved by Library Commission August 2, 2023.

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